This week in the Philippines memories are made (like always haha), companions are reunited, and I discover I have a parasite! :)
So yeah this week was CRAZY!! It went by so fast and so many things were going on! We started off on Monday by having a super fun FHE at a members house and we had some of our recent converts attend! For anyone that doesn't know what an FHE is, it's a program of sorts where a family gets together on Monday night and has activities, learns about Christ, and becomes more unified! You should try it! It was super awesome and we had a good time! My companion gave a cool message involving food and 1 Nephi 8:12. Read it and eat something delicious at the same time!!!
So on Wednesday and Thursday I had the opportunity to go on exchanges with Elder Rosit, the new AP. It was a super fun time! As we were out trying to find new investigators we "Maupay"d a house. That's what you do here when you go to someones house. You don't knock on a door or anything. You simply stand outside and yell "maupay" until they come out! Anyways we were essentially yelling at this house and this lady comes and and yells back that she doesn't want to listen to us because they are Christians. We then happily told her that we are Christians also and then she went back inside. Anyways it was a good laugh. But yeah "Mormons" are Christians.
So I was informed that I might have a parasite! For the past 4 or 5 weeks my body has been weird. I can eat very little amounts of food and if I eat to much I throw it all up and get the runs the next day! So I have been getting very skinny. The other day I weighed in at 160 pounds! That's crazy!! Anyways I think I am getting better now and I have been able to eat a little more over the past few day! haha
So yesterday was district conference in Borongan District! We had an area seventy preside and there was also a new district presidency called! We also had 6 investigators at church! It was such an amazing meeting and the spirit was so strong! I would like to add that I sang in the choir and we sounded like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
So my companion and I and a branch missionary had a very fun activity this past week while working. It involved putting bottles on our head and then using a home made slingshot to shoot them off! It was quite the trust building activity! I learned that I am not very good at shooting a slingshot but luckily I didn't hit anyone! haha
So this coming Saturday we will be having 2 baptisms! Martin Baguinon and Nikki Rivera are ready and their testimonies are so strong! They are both excited for their baptism as is the entire branch!
Well that's it for this week! Thank you for all your love and support! I love you all!
Elder Child
Pic 1 - Elder Child and Brother Louie
Pic 2 - with Martin and Raffy (a Branch missionary)
Pic 3 - with some Branch missionaries and Martin
Pic 4 - a cool quote
Pic 5 - before I got a haircut. anyways please read this nanay's shirt. hahahahahahahaha
This is cool that his experiences are being Put on a blog. I knew him well in the mission. This is Elder Reed Hepler